Hello parents!
The PTO is collecting monetary contributions from any family who would like to contribute to the Holiday Gift Cards that we will provide for the the rest of our IEF Support Staff, lunch aids, custodians, and Related Arts Teachers (i.e., Art, Gym, STEAM, etc.) who see our students every week.
This money will be pooled together and divided equally. We have done this for a few years now and they are extremely grateful to be included. THIS IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and is in lieu of doing individual gifts for RA teachers and support staff. This is NOT a collection for your Homeroom Teacher.
If you would like to contribute, please do so by Friday, December 13th. A suggested amount may be between $5-$10 (per family).
Thank you in advance for your help. Your kind contributions are truly appreciated. Wishing you all a SAFE and happy holiday season and best wishes for a Happy New Year!
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